Mohammed bin Hassan Fadaaq


calendar icon 13 Jul 2024

 My story with “Mawhiba” began when I was in the sixth grade in 2013, when I took the Mawhiba scale, and - praise be to God - I got a score that placed me among the top 2% of students in the Kingdom, which had a great impact - after God - on my joining the activities of this great institution. 
Since then, I have participated in many programs, courses and competitions. In 2014, I participated in the Robot Olympiad at the level of Jeddah Governorate, and my colleagues and I won first place in the core values ​​branch. We worked hard and diligently, even though it was our first participation and the first participation of our school.
I continued to participate in Mawhiba’s programs and competitions. In the third intermediate grade in 2016, I registered for the Mawhiba scale for the second time, and thanks to God, I obtained a higher score that placed me among the top 0.5% of students in the Kingdom. This score enabled me to participate in Mawhiba’s international programs and be nominated for partnership class programs. 
God willed that I be accepted into the local international “Oxbridge Summers” program in 2016, in cooperation with King Saud University in Riyadh. The program focused on “Basics of Robotics and its Applications”, and I conducted many experiments as well as robot programs. I presented the project “Applications of Robotics in Military Industries” at the end of the program, and received a recommendation from the program lecturer, and won the program’s Outstanding Achiever Award. 
The following year, I was accepted - praise be to God - into the local international “Oxmedica” program - also - in cooperation with King Saud University in Riyadh. The program was different from the previous one, as it was about “Introduction to Petrochemical Engineering”, where we conducted many experiments and activities related to physics and chemistry, and we visited an integrated center affiliated with “SABIC” specializing in petrochemical industries. 
These two experiences were a strong incentive for creativity, and I gained from them experiences and skills that I did not have before. I got to know many colleagues, my level of presentation and dialogue developed, my academic English improved, and I developed in many important aspects of life. During my studies in the second year of secondary school in 2018, I participated in the “Kangaroo” competition specializing in mathematics.
At the end of 2017, I received the good news that I had been nominated to participate in the Mawhiba International Programs outside the Kingdom for the year 2018, in cooperation with many prestigious universities around the world. Since the news of my nomination, I have worked hard to complete the academic requirements for this program, whether academic and non-academic essays or tests related to English language skills. 
Praise be to God, I was accepted into the “UChicago Immersion” program at the prestigious American University of Chicago in the summer of 2018, and I was the representative of the Kingdom and the Arab world, praise be to God. 
The program was a purely undergraduate course titled "Physics and Cosmology", which was about the laws of physics and atomic sciences related to space and stars. We did many applied experiments related to light and its speed, and we did experiments related to momentum and conservation. We also visited the Fermi National Center for Atomic Research and the Nuclear Accelerators. 
I presented a scientific research entitled “Angular Momentum in the Solar and Jupiter System and its Effect on the Two Bodies.” For me, that experience was one of the greatest experiences I have ever had in my entire life. I learned many skills, especially since I was away from my family for more than a month in the United States.
Mawhiba’s giving and support did not stop. In 2019, I received a scholarship from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) to study at a prestigious American university. This was thanks to God and then to Mawhiba, after it provided me with many opportunities that developed my academic and personal capabilities. 
God willed that I join King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals to study Aerospace Engineering, and I completed the first year with distinction - praise be to God - and during my studies this year, the Mawhiba Association was established, and I joined the association to follow its programs and participations. 
وأقولها بكل فخر إن رابطة موهبة إحدى أهم وأعظم المبادرات التي قامت لها هذه المؤسسة الرائدة، فهي تربط بين جميع طلبة موهبة، كباراً وصغاراً، فتحت آفاقاً كبيرة للعديد من الطلبة المبدعين، وقدمت لهم العديد من الفرص المتميزة للمشاركة فيها، وتجربتي الجديدة التي لا أزال أخوضها هي تجربة رابطة موهبة، فأعلنت رابطة موهبة مطلع العام الحالي 2020م ترشيح عدد من أعضاء الرابطة وطلبة موهبة للانضمام للجنة الاستشارية لبرنامج أجيال الفضاء التابع لهيئة السعودية للفضاء. سجلت بالموقع ووصلني قبول الهيئة لي -ولله الفضل والحمد-. 
انضممت للجنة التي أسست لدعم رأس المال البشري وتطوير قطاع الفضاء بالمملكة، شاركت -بفضل من الله- في أعمال جميع اجتماعات اللجنة الدورية، ولا نزال نعمل على عدد من المشاريع والبرامج التي سيكون لها بالغ الأثر في تطوير قطاع الفضاء، ودعم محبي هذا القطاع.
أود أن أختم بكلمة أوجهها لشباب هذا الوطن الغالي، مؤسسة "موهبة" تقدم خدماتها ودعمها لنا جميعاً بلا استثناء، ابتداءً من البرامج الإثرائية، إلى المنح الدراسية، كل ما تقدمه هذه المؤسسة يصب في مصلحة كل طالب، كل منا موهوب، لكن هناك من يترجم موهبته إلى أرض الواقع، ويطلق العنان لمواهبه ويستثمر فيها، وأنا مجرد مثال بسيط للآلاف من الطلبة المبدعين الذي رفعوا علم مملكتنا عالياً، وجعلوا سقف طموحاتهم عنان السماء، بالإضافة إلى ذلك يجب على شبابنا الإسهام في تطوير المجتمع والمشاركة في الأعمال التطوعية الداعمة للعملية التعليمية والتنموية، فزكاة العلم نشره، وكل من وهبه الله علماً أو موهبةً عليه أن ينشر علمه لمجتمعه وأقرانه، فبهذا سيرتفع مستوى الفكر لدى الشباب كافة، وسترتفع وتيرة الحماس لديهم، وبحول الله سنرفع معاً وطننا في جميع المحافل.
شكراً موهبة.. شكراً موهبة.. شكراً موهبة.

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